Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dream - Magic Cards

Well, I had another dream about you again. This time we were in the field, and you two were playing magic cards. You said that you made a deck that was 100X stronger than the zombie deck, and you needed to show Sir Andrew William. You two were having a good time so I decided to wander off on my own in the field. When I came back, there were so many token creatures that you couldn't see the cards, and you had to forfeit.

君をついて夢をまた見た。そん時、二人は「Magic Cards」というカードゲームを遊んだ。君はアンドルーさんと「私はZombieDeckより100X強いデックを作った!見てよ!」と言った。二人は遊びながら、私は野原を散歩した。そこに戻るとき、「TokenCounters」は多過ぎて数えられないで、カードを見えないで、試合を没収された。

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